We Will Source, Place, & Integrate An Offshore Employee Into Your Business In Less Than 1 Week (Or You Don't Pay)
Prices Start From $1,000/Month For Full-Time, 40 Hours Per Week (Price Varies By Role)
  • Starting from $10/per hour
  • ​100% fluent English
  • ​Pay with your credit card
  • ​College educated
  • ​No long-term contracts
  • ​Completely done for you
  • ​No middle man
  • ​Lifetime guarantee

We currently help 300 businesses like yours save more than $1 million per month.

Here's a few case studies to show you how...

eCom store hired an Account Manager & Developer, saving $200,000 per year
Local services agency hires 5+ Ukrainians, saves $150,000/year
IT medical services company saved $50,000/year on a Project Manager
"Rare to find people who actually deliver", Jose Rosado (over 300,000 followers)
Chase Dimond hired in 48 hours and saved 70% vs hiring local
Lead gen agency owner takes back 40 hours/week for only $1,200/month
This is only for existing, established, and successful businesses with revenue WHO ARE ACTIVELY LOOKING TO HIRE NOW OR IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS. 

If you are a Virtual Assistant looking for a job, your business is brand-new, you have no revenue, or you are unwilling to pay over a $10/hour salary, LEAVE THIS PAGE. 

If you are a Lead Gen/Sales company who pays commission-only structure, LEAVE THIS PAGE.

More case studies...

"Before HireUA, I was completely strapped, and growth was bottlenecked..."
Email marketing agency hires Project Manager, takes back time & saves massive
Found the perfect candidate without having to use "the usual" platforms
From Solopreneur to multimillion dollar agency with 2 key hires
Shopify store makes 1 crucial hire, unlocks their full potential
Marketing agency hires Client Success Manager who takes over all client comms
Andre Haykal Jr. hired an Inbox Manager & paid her a 50% bonus in month 1
Social media superstar Dakota Robertson saved 20+ hours a week with a premium VA
Nicholas Verge: Driven $30 million in sales, saving $48,000/year
Frustrated with hiring Filipinos, Logan Fitz turned to HireUA...
eCom email marketing agency for beauty brands saves 50% on hiring costs
Penang Media hires video editing talent for half what they'd pay locally